Dear Parents,
We are very pleased to announce our new online learning journeys! After so much positive feedback from other childcare settings, we have decided to create individual ‘learning journeys’ for your child through a piece of educational software called ‘Tapestry’. By logging on with a secure username and password you will be able to view all of your children’s observations, photographs and even video from their time at Little Acorns.
You will even receive an email telling you when a new observation or piece of work is available for you to view. This will enable you to follow your child’s individual progress closely and you can reflect upon their achievements with your child. You can add comments so that we as a staff find out about which activities your child really enjoyed and the learning they get up to at home. Staff will reference your child’s learning to the EYFS profile so you will know which area of learning your child is achieving in and the age-band they were working in for that activity. All of this information is stored on a highly secure server which is monitored closely. E-safety is extremely important to us at Little Acorns Pre-school, therefore we ask you to provide us with the following information and to sign the agreement and other information on the attached letters to show that you understand and will agree with our guidelines. Please return by Monday 30th November. There is also a copy of our Policy for the use of Tapestry/on-learning journals for you to read. We know how much you like to see your child coming home from preschool proudly clutching their most recent piece of work. Therefore we will photograph the pieces of work we need to keep as evidence and then it will come home with your child. We understand many of you like to keep all the work, we will still have folders to put your child’s treasured work in and these will stay at pre-school. All work will be sent home with the child when they leave. This is all new to us and we are trying hard to learn all there is to know about Tapestry, please bear with us for this is also a learning curve for all the staff at pre-school. There may be times when your child’s records may not been added to; this does not mean we are not working with your child. We will attempt to have at least one to two if not more observations every two weeks of your child. We are sure that you will love this new way of viewing your child’s achievements as much as we do!
Many thanks,
Louise Passaseo
Childcare Manager